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Supported living for Older People with nursing care on-hand 24/7

Hawkinge House provides accommodation in studio suites for residents who are in need of care and support.

The scheme is divided into social groups for physical frailty and various types of dementia. Full 24 hour nursing care is available in-house so that most residents can have a home for life within the scheme. Residents’ spouses can also be accommodated, to allow couples to stay together even when one develops the need for on-going care.

The charges for residents without the means to pay can be fully covered by Social Services’ funding and statutory benefits, so private top-ups are not required (see here).

One of the philosophies at the heart of Hawkinge House is to provide relationship-centred care. As well as fostering and nurturing relationships between residents, their family and friends and the healthcare professionals who work in and visit the home, a community day centre will be used to nurture relationships between the residents and local villagers.

Our new Village Green area provides a welcoming social space for everyone at Hawkinge House to enjoy. Click here to learn more about how our Village Green is helping residents and their families to capture special moments together. 

The Hawkinge House Story

The Hawkinge House Story

In June 2012, Hawkinge House Care Centre celebrated its first anniversary. To mark the occasion a series of interviews were commissioned with key stakeholders, about their involvement in planning, designing, building, managing, living and working in Hawkinge House.
